How to compost kitchen waste easily at home

In this blog we will see how to compost kitchen waste at home 

Table of content 
what is composting?
• why composting is good for environment?
• how to compost easily
• how to compost at home
• where to use compost
• do's and don'ts of composting 

What is Composting ?

Composting is the method of breaking down biodegradable things into soil, which is rich in nutritional value. 

Why composting is necessary 

Easy way of composting at 
how to compost kitchen waste at home 

Composting is very important to conserve the earth. There is an increasing amount of garbage heap in landfill, which is proceeding at a very high rate. When we mix biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage, it leads to the production of methane gas in landfill out of food waste, which contributes to global warming. o
Our garbage is our responsibility. Fifty-seven percent of the waste present in landfill is food waste, which can be useful to earth is contributing to destruct it gradually by our sense of irresponsibility.

What to compost

 list of items you can compost:

1. Fruit and vegetable scraps
2. Coffee grounds and filters
3. Tea bags (remove staples if present)
4. Eggshells
5. Grass clippings
6. Leaves
7. Yard trimmings
8. Plant trimmings
9. Shredded paper (non-glossy)
10. Cardboard (shredded or torn into small pieces)
11. Sawdust (from untreated wood)
12. Wood chips
13. Hay and straw
14. Fireplace ashes (in moderation)

Avoid composting meat, dairy, oily foods, and pet waste, as these can attract pests and may not compost properly in a typical home composting setup. Also, avoid composting plants treated with pesticides unless you're certain they are safe for composting.

Easy way of composting

 You can compost directly in your garden if you have it. It is the easiest way of composting. Dig out a pit, put your food waste into it, and cover it with soil. It will break down itself in two to three months. You can do this way of composting in any soil area. 

How to compost kitchen waste at home 

The second way of composting is at your home. If you don't have an open ground, take a bucket, do small holes in it for aeration, put your food waste in it, cover it with dry waste like dry leaves, shredded newspaper, or cardboard. Open the lid in once a week and turn it nicely for aeration. Compost will be ready in  one to two month this way. Adding cow dung or sour buttermilk can increase the process. Compost will fragment like wet soil.

Where to use compost 

 You can use this compost to enrich the soil of your area. If you have plants in your area, then give this compost to these plants. It will blend with the plants and help them to grow well. This is an act of giving back to the one who nurtures us, to the plants. 

Do's and don'ts of compostin

•Keep the bucket in a properly ventilated area.
• Turn and mix the waste properly at regular intervals.
•cut the waste into small piece before adding.
•Maintain the proper balance between food waste and dry waste.
•Don't add meat or dairy products to it. •Keep it in light area.
•cover the lid properly 

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