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How to save water in daily life

  How to save water in daily life  How to save water in daily life  In this article, we are going to see how to save water in daily life . Water is our basic essential; life is not possible without water. In our daily life, we use water for our survival, but most of it we generally waste.  Around 75% of the Earth is covered with water, but only one percent of this is freshwater that is for data use. Even only some percent of it is available; most of it is in glaciers.  Ground water is the major source of water we have. Out of available water, the level of groundwater is decreasing day by day. More land to dig out needs to get water. Even at some places, it has depleted to extinction. This is known as water scarcity. We should understand the importance of water we have and save it.  Table of content  Reasons behind water scarcity Why should we save water How to save water in daily life Conclusion   Reasons behind water scarcity  The main reason behind this is covering the Earth with con