
Showing posts with the label low waste lifestyle

10 steps to start zero waste lifestyle

How to start zero waste lifestyle  Waste is one of the main concerns of today's era. Excessive waste causes pollution in landfills, oceans, and soil. It leads to the emission of greenhouse gases in landfills. A Zero waste lifestyle is a lifestyle in which one tries to produce zero waste or low waste in their daily routine. It is not possible to go perfectly zero waste, but we can surely try to reduce waste by adopting habits for zero waste life.  In this article, we will see how to start a zero waste. When we talk about being a zero-waste producer it's become hard to achieve it. We often feel frustrated about not achieving zero waste, but when we talk about being a zero waste producer, it is not about a goal. It is a routine of a lifetime that we have to acquire. So next time if you go for sustainable changes in your life don't go for setting goals instead form habits. Start with little you can do.  Table of content  What is zero waste lifestyle? Steps to start zero waste l

Waste segregation:why is it so important?

  Table of content   Waste segregation  Why waste segregation is important  How to segregate waste properly at home  Proper waste disposal  Waste segregation  Waste that we generate at our homes is of mainly two types: biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Biodegradable waste decomposes easily in the soil, but non-biodegradable waste doesn't break down in the soil for millions of years. In this article, we will explore why segregation of waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable is important and how to segregate waste . Waste segregation  Types of waste  Waste refers to things that are no longer of any use.  Based on breaking down in soil, waste can be classified into two types: Biodegradable   These substances break down in the soil easily due to microorganisms. They are not that harmful to the soil.  Some examples are paper, organic kitchen waste, cardboard, and plant waste such as wood and leaves.   Non-Biodegradable These substances do not break down in the soil by microorg

How to avoid fast fashion|10 actionable ways to ditch fast fashion

Fast fashion refers to the cheap prices clothes that are according to trends of the fashion world. These brands even introduce new trends for selling their new clothes in the market resulted in throwing away a large number of old clothes and manufacturing of new clothes. 93 million cubic metres water is used for manufacturing of endless new clothes. 85% of the clothes go to dump each year due to fast fashion. Each year millions of tonnes of clothes are produced and throw away which is buried or burnt in landscape. In this article we will see how to avoid fast fashion to reduce textile pollution. In this blog we will see What is fast fashion? How fast fashion is ruining the environment ? How fast fashion affects water? Problems with fast fashion Which brands are fast fashion? How to avoid fast fashion? Conclusion   How to avoid fast fashion  What is fast fashion? Fast fashion is the fashion that serves trendy clothes in the market. Fast fashion brand of a cloth that have less self but

The 4R's refuse ,reduce, reuse ,recycle and then what explained?

 Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle The four Rs principle of refusing, reducing, reusing, and recycling tells us to minimize the generation of waste. Excessive waste is the main problem of today . Landfills are flooded with waste generated by us .waste scattered on roadside is common to see in most of the cities now. Refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle tell us to refuse unnecessary items, reduce our consumption, reuse things, and recycle as much as possible. By saying yes to refusing, reducing, reusing, and recycling, we can have a positive impact on the environment. R's follow a specific order; each of them is explained sequentially below.  Refuse reduce reuse recycle  Table of content  What is refuse reduce reuse and recycle? How to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle? What after recycling? Conclusion   Refuse reduce reuse recycle  Refuse Refuse means to say no to unnecessary items in our life. It minimizes the need of one in our daily life. We mostly buy things in the urge which w

Ecobricks : are a solution to plastic pollution?

Ecobricks   Plastic pollution   Plastic pollution is the pollution caused by the plastic accumulated in the land. It is because of plastic being generated in large amounts. Every product is wrapped in plastic: from bottles, household items to cutleries. This plastic doesn't break down for millions of years and pollutes its surrounding ecosystem. Topics covered •  Ecobricks meaning • Ecobricks impact • How to make ecobricks • Where ecobricks are used • What you can do with ecobricks  • Negatives of ecobricks • Conclusion  Ecobricks meaning  Ecobricks Ecobricks are the bricks that are made using plastic bottles and wrappers. It recycles plastic present in our surrounding preventing it being flooded in land fills. Ecobricks impact  Bricks that are made using plastic bottles and wrappers recycle plastic present in our surroundings, preventing it from being flooded in landfills, impacting the environment and polluting it. Plastic is the main pollutant of the environment, cau

How to compost kitchen waste easily at home

In this blog we will see how to compost kitchen waste at home  Table of content  • what is composting? • why composting is good for environment? • how to compost easily • how to compost at home • where to use compost • do's and don'ts of composting   What is Composting  ? Composting is the method of breaking down biodegradable things into soil, which is rich in nutritional value.  Why composting is necessary  how to compost kitchen waste at home  Composting is very important to conserve the earth. There is an increasing amount of garbage heap in landfill, which is proceeding at a very high rate. When we mix biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage, it leads to the production of methane gas in landfill out of food waste, which contributes to global warming. o Our garbage is our responsibility. Fifty-seven percent of the waste present in landfill is food waste, which can be useful to earth is contributing to destruct it gradually by our sense of irresponsibility