
Showing posts with the label be sustainable

12 eco friendly decoration ideas for your home

 On the occasions of parties and events, we decorate our house using balloons and many other decorative items. This leads to many environmental problems. Eco-friendly decoration ensures low waste generation and a healthy environment. In this article, we will share some tips and methods to decorate our house with eco-friendly options present in our environment.  No matter whether you are at a small party or a big occasion, you can use eco-friendly decorations for decorating your event. Eco-friendly decoration involves using items that are not harmful to our environment. It is reusable or compostable. For example, plant saplings, flowers, etc., have helpful effects on our environment.  Why should we stop using balloons for decoration? Eco friendly decoration  We should stop using balloons for decoration because balloons  are made from non-biodegradable materials that are not good for our environment and wildlife. We should stop using balloons for their harmful effects. Latex balloons ar

14 actionable ways to reduce plastic pollution

 How to reduce plastic pollution  Plastic is the most used material in our daily lives most of the thing we use is made up of plastic. Foods that we eat comes in the packaging of plastic. Inspite of plastic being a non biodegradable material, toxic to our earth we can't resist it's use due to its versatility and ease of use. Each year plastic is manufactured and thrown in billion. This plastic doesn't biodegrade in the soil and pollute it releasing microplastic into it. Pollution that is prevailing due to use of plastic is called plastic pollution. In this article we are going to see how to reduce plastic pollution. There would be some easy to tips to reduce plastic pollution.  Plastic pollution  Plastic pollution is the harm to the environment due to excessive use of plastic. A large amount of waste with plastic wrappers are present in the landfills that do not biodegrade in soil for million of years and release micro plastic in the soil. Plastic is bad for our plants if

Why saving electricity is important for our environment?

Electricity is one of our basic needs. Electricity is being generated using renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Renewable resources such as wind and sun are non-polluting for our environment, whereas thermal sources cause pollution in thermal power plants. Electricity is being generated using fossil fuels, which are burned to heat water. Then the steam produced is  used to rotate turbines which then converts kinetic energy into electrical energy.  In this article, we will explore why saving energy is important and tips to save electricity.        why saving electricity is important? Why saving electricity is important? Five reasons why we should save electricity :  Why saving electricity is important? conserve natural resources Electricity is being generated using natural resources, with a very small part being generated by renewable sources such as wind and sun. Hence, saving electricity is important to save natural resources and reduce carbon footprint.  Reduce carbon foot

How to save water in daily life

  How to save water in daily life  How to save water in daily life  In this article, we are going to see how to save water in daily life . Water is our basic essential; life is not possible without water. In our daily life, we use water for our survival, but most of it we generally waste.  Around 75% of the Earth is covered with water, but only one percent of this is freshwater that is for data use. Even only some percent of it is available; most of it is in glaciers.  Ground water is the major source of water we have. Out of available water, the level of groundwater is decreasing day by day. More land to dig out needs to get water. Even at some places, it has depleted to extinction. This is known as water scarcity. We should understand the importance of water we have and save it.  Table of content  Reasons behind water scarcity Why should we save water How to save water in daily life Conclusion   Reasons behind water scarcity  The main reason behind this is covering the Earth with con

Climate change in India with its solution

  Climate change in India  Climate change in India  Climate change is the most spoken topic in the world. Now, it is the issue faced by people globally. In this article, we would explore climate change in India - its causes, its impact, and what individuals can do.  Climate change is the shifting of long-term temperature and weather patterns. It can also be natural, but since 1800, it is due to human exploitation. There are many human activities that trigger climate change in India . India is turning into  the world's most powerful economy and, together with the fourth most affected country by climate change. India produces three gigatons of greenhouse gases each year. The melting of ice caps is the effect of climate change. Table of content  Causes of climate change Impact of climate change Government on climate change Solution of climate change Causes of climate change    Major causes of climate change in India include the emission of greenhouse gases and the burning of fossil f

Easy ways to be sustainable in everyday life for a better future

  Sustainability represents survival without harming the surrounding environment. In our everyday lives, we end up doing things that harm the environment. The concept of sustainability is way too important in today's developing period so that today's development doesn't cost for future ability of survival.There are some easy ways to be sustainable in our daily lives with small practices. Ways to be sustainable in everyday life  Table of content 1. Say no to single use plastic 2. Try making things at home  3. Mindful shopping  4. Grow your own 5. Taking own cutlery 6. Thrifting 7. Save energy 8. Use public transport    1. Say no to single use plastic  Materials that can only be used once and then thrown away, which then collect in landfills and increase the heap of garbage. Switch single-use plastics to reusable ones. Small sachets of daily products like toothpaste, shampoo, and cream etc., are thrown away in large quantities, overfilling landfills. Instead, buy products in