
Showing posts with the label simple ways to reduce air pollution

Simple ways to reduce air pollution | improve aqi of your region

Simple ways to reduce air pollution  Emission of hazardous gases, contaminated air, and causes air pollution. Burning fossil fuels and waste, vehicle emission and rottening of waste in landfill are the major causes of air pollution. Five major pollutants, according to the Clean Air Act, are grouped level ozone,particulate matter, including PM 2.5 and PM 10, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide ,and nitrogen dioxide. Around seven million people are affected due to these pollutants. Most people are facing respiratory problems because of bad levels of air quality index (AQI). AQI tells about the air pollution level, which is falling at a very fast rate in India. In this, we have an urgent need to the ways we can reduce air pollution. So in this blog, we will discuss ways to reduce air pollution. Simple ways to reduce air pollution  Table of contents Avoid burning   Composting Reduce vehicle emission Save electricity Switch to clean electricity Quit smoking   Plant trees Reduce, reuse, and recy