
Showing posts with the label How to reduce plastic pollution

14 actionable ways to reduce plastic pollution

 How to reduce plastic pollution  Plastic is the most used material in our daily lives most of the thing we use is made up of plastic. Foods that we eat comes in the packaging of plastic. Inspite of plastic being a non biodegradable material, toxic to our earth we can't resist it's use due to its versatility and ease of use. Each year plastic is manufactured and thrown in billion. This plastic doesn't biodegrade in the soil and pollute it releasing microplastic into it. Pollution that is prevailing due to use of plastic is called plastic pollution. In this article we are going to see how to reduce plastic pollution. There would be some easy to tips to reduce plastic pollution.  Plastic pollution  Plastic pollution is the harm to the environment due to excessive use of plastic. A large amount of waste with plastic wrappers are present in the landfills that do not biodegrade in soil for million of years and release micro plastic in the soil. Plastic is bad for our plants if