Sustainability represents survival without harming the surrounding environment. In our everyday lives, we end up doing things that harm the environment. The concept of sustainability is way too important in today's developing period so that today's development doesn't cost for future ability of survival.There are some easy ways to be sustainable in our daily lives with small practices.
Ways to be sustainable in everyday life
1. Say no to single use plastic
Materials that can only be used once and then thrown away, which then collect in landfills and increase the heap of garbage. Switch single-use plastics to reusable ones. Small sachets of daily products like toothpaste, shampoo, and cream etc., are thrown away in large quantities, overfilling landfills. Instead, buy products in bulk to reduce garbage.
2. Try making things at home
3. Mindful shopping
Being mindful whenever you go shopping and whatever you buy is really beneficial for the environment. Things that we buy manufactured on the cost of nature. Most of the times we end up buying things in urge which we really don't need.
4. Grow your own
Growing your own food can help us avoid packaged food and contribute to making the surroundings greener. There are so many options for vegetables that can grow easily on roofs or in backyards.
5. Taking own cutlery
Take your own cutlery, bottle, spoon, and plate if you go outside for eating, instead of using single-use plastic. There are so many wonderful invention of cutlery that are easy to carry and have various uses easily available on Amazon.
6. Thrifting
Thrifting is the best way to save money and the environment from demands that lead to production. More we demand put in the market more production happens which leads to more degradation. Hence thrifting is the best option to get fulfilled a necessity by someone else waste. Many shops available in online as well as offline market for old books,clothes and digital products etc.
7. Save energy
Save energy by making small efforts like saying no to washing machines whenever possible, closing the door of the refrigerator properly, turning off lights and fans when not in use. Summing up little bits together, it's true that turning off lights for some time will not bring a big and rapid change, but it will surely lead to big change.
8. Using public transport
It's a fact that if we line up all the vehicles of Delhi, it will cover a distance more than the length of Yamuna. We have grown in a very comfortable zone where we don't need to put efforts to work. Switching to walking, using bicycles for shorter distances, and public transport for longer distances prevents extra emissions of carbon dioxide in the environment and is good for our health.
Concluding one can't change to sustainability in one day; we need to shape our minds toward sustainability by making small changes in our daily habits. It's important to focus on what we can do rather than what we can't.
Read more: Easy way of composting
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