Ecobricks : are a solution to plastic pollution?


Plastic pollution 

 Plastic pollution is the pollution caused by the plastic accumulated in the land. It is because of plastic being generated in large amounts. Every product is wrapped in plastic: from bottles, household items to cutleries. This plastic doesn't break down for millions of years and pollutes its surrounding ecosystem.

Topics covered

• Ecobricks meaning

• Ecobricks impact

• How to make ecobricks

• Where ecobricks are used

• What you can do with ecobricks 

• Negatives of ecobricks

• Conclusion 

Ecobricks meaning 


Ecobricks are the bricks that are made using plastic bottles and wrappers. It recycles plastic present in our surrounding preventing it being flooded in land fills.

Ecobricks impact 

Bricks that are made using plastic bottles and wrappers recycle plastic present in our surroundings, preventing it from being flooded in landfills, impacting the environment and polluting it. Plastic is the main pollutant of the environment, causing soil pollution, water pollution in water bodies, and air pollution. In the case of these, are bond releasing its ideal gases in environment. This is a short-term solution which can reduce the effect of plastic pollution on traditional bricks, which prevents the damages caused by the production. It also becomes an aid for teaching people about environmental problems and making them aware.

 How to make Eco bricks

1. Collect plastic bottles and plastic wrappers, wash the plastic wrappers and bottles to make sure that there is no any food residue left with them. Then, properly dry bottles and wrappers.

2. Fill all the wrappers inside the bottles properly. There should not be any space left in the bottle. Proper filling will ensure the strength of the bricks. Use stick or chopsticks to make the filling compact; a little empty space can be left on the above. 

3.Close the lid of the bottle, and Eco bricks are ready of lightweight and durable strength

 Where Eco bricks are used

Eco bricks are used for building purposes in many areas. Plastic is a durable material; eco bricks are being used for making furniture and even buildings. Many buildings have been constructed successfully using eco bricks. In UK children's playgrounds installed using Eco bricks.

What you can do with ecobricks? 

You can use your eco bricks for making furniture, making art, and even for making your pet's home. There are so many organizations that collect for construction purposes, to whom you can send your ecobricks.

Negatives of ecobricks 

I)Despite reducing plastic consumption, houses made of eco bricks release toxic gas on catching fire.

II) Some plastic becomes fragile in exposure to sunlight.

III)breaks down in soil into microplastic, making groundwater impure, mixing with it.

IV) less durable in the areas of natural disaster such as earthquakes. 

V)In eco bricks not made properly can be proven bad and would not be suggested for using. 


 Ecobricks are really are great way to reuse plastic. It has so many positive impacts on our environment but still it is not an ideal solution and has many negative sides. If we handle the negative sides of it carefully ecobricks can be used. We need to keep in mind that it is just a recycling method. It doesn't mean that it is a solution to plastic pollution and for the plastic generation will not have any harmful effect. We have to avoid plastic materials as much as we can and find an alternative solution.

See more : 

Easy way of composting 

Ways to be sustainable in everyday life 


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