
Showing posts from April, 2024

Biodegradable eco friendly pads that are affordable and easy to use

Best eco friendly pads for menstruation  Eco friendly pads  Non Biodegradable sanitary pads are among the most used products by women. Using non biodegradable sanitary pads becomes a major cause for waste in landfills and water bodies.  According to the Central Pollution Control Board report 2018-2019, around 12.3 billion sanitary pads account for 113,000 tons of waste in landfills. The major reason for using these sanitary pads is the cheap prices, easily availability and ease of use.  In this article we will talk about the importance of eco-friendly pads and some best options that are easy to use and affordable.  Table of content  Harms associated with commercial pads Why non biodegradable pads are used? What are eco friendly pads  Benifits of eco friendly pads Eco friendly pads  Reusable eco-friendly pads Conclusion   Harms Associated with commercial pads  Non biodegradable   Non biodegradable pads are made using plastic. They do not break down in the soil easily and pollute the la

Inspiring story of carbon negative country: Bhutan

In this article, we are going to explore about the carbon-negative country , Bhutan. Where each country is talking about being a carbon-neutral country, Bhutan is the one country to be carbon-negative. We are going to talk about the reasons of Bhutan being the carbon-negative country and how we can also learn from world carbon-negative country. Bhutan is a small country, neighbour of India and China. It is one of the world's first carbon-negative country.  Carbon negative country: Bhutan  Table of content  What does it mean to be carbon negative More about Bhutan Why Bhutan is carbon negative What we can learn learn from Bhutan Conclusion What does it mean to be carbon-negative?  Carbon footprint shows the carbon amount in the environment . Human activities result in more carbon dioxide in our environment.  The immense level of carbon dioxide disturbs the balance in our environment. When the level of carbon dioxide becomes more than the oxygen level, it is said to be carbon-positiv

How to save water in daily life

  How to save water in daily life  How to save water in daily life  In this article, we are going to see how to save water in daily life . Water is our basic essential; life is not possible without water. In our daily life, we use water for our survival, but most of it we generally waste.  Around 75% of the Earth is covered with water, but only one percent of this is freshwater that is for data use. Even only some percent of it is available; most of it is in glaciers.  Ground water is the major source of water we have. Out of available water, the level of groundwater is decreasing day by day. More land to dig out needs to get water. Even at some places, it has depleted to extinction. This is known as water scarcity. We should understand the importance of water we have and save it.  Table of content  Reasons behind water scarcity Why should we save water How to save water in daily life Conclusion   Reasons behind water scarcity  The main reason behind this is covering the Earth with con

Climate change in India with its solution

  Climate change in India  Climate change in India  Climate change is the most spoken topic in the world. Now, it is the issue faced by people globally. In this article, we would explore climate change in India - its causes, its impact, and what individuals can do.  Climate change is the shifting of long-term temperature and weather patterns. It can also be natural, but since 1800, it is due to human exploitation. There are many human activities that trigger climate change in India . India is turning into  the world's most powerful economy and, together with the fourth most affected country by climate change. India produces three gigatons of greenhouse gases each year. The melting of ice caps is the effect of climate change. Table of content  Causes of climate change Impact of climate change Government on climate change Solution of climate change Causes of climate change    Major causes of climate change in India include the emission of greenhouse gases and the burning of fossil f

The 4R's refuse ,reduce, reuse ,recycle and then what explained?

 Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle The four Rs principle of refusing, reducing, reusing, and recycling tells us to minimize the generation of waste. Excessive waste is the main problem of today . Landfills are flooded with waste generated by us .waste scattered on roadside is common to see in most of the cities now. Refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle tell us to refuse unnecessary items, reduce our consumption, reuse things, and recycle as much as possible. By saying yes to refusing, reducing, reusing, and recycling, we can have a positive impact on the environment. R's follow a specific order; each of them is explained sequentially below.  Refuse reduce reuse recycle  Table of content  What is refuse reduce reuse and recycle? How to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle? What after recycling? Conclusion   Refuse reduce reuse recycle  Refuse Refuse means to say no to unnecessary items in our life. It minimizes the need of one in our daily life. We mostly buy things in the urge which w