
Simple ways to reduce air pollution | improve aqi of your region

Simple ways to reduce air pollution  Emission of hazardous gases, contaminated air, and causes air pollution. Burning fossil fuels and waste, vehicle emission and rottening of waste in landfill are the major causes of air pollution. Five major pollutants, according to the Clean Air Act, are grouped level ozone,particulate matter, including PM 2.5 and PM 10, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide ,and nitrogen dioxide. Around seven million people are affected due to these pollutants. Most people are facing respiratory problems because of bad levels of air quality index (AQI). AQI tells about the air pollution level, which is falling at a very fast rate in India. In this, we have an urgent need to the ways we can reduce air pollution. So in this blog, we will discuss ways to reduce air pollution. Simple ways to reduce air pollution  Table of contents Avoid burning   Composting Reduce vehicle emission Save electricity Switch to clean electricity Quit smoking   Plant trees Reduce, reuse, and recy

Ecobricks : are a solution to plastic pollution?

Ecobricks   Plastic pollution   Plastic pollution is the pollution caused by the plastic accumulated in the land. It is because of plastic being generated in large amounts. Every product is wrapped in plastic: from bottles, household items to cutleries. This plastic doesn't break down for millions of years and pollutes its surrounding ecosystem. Topics covered •  Ecobricks meaning • Ecobricks impact • How to make ecobricks • Where ecobricks are used • What you can do with ecobricks  • Negatives of ecobricks • Conclusion  Ecobricks meaning  Ecobricks Ecobricks are the bricks that are made using plastic bottles and wrappers. It recycles plastic present in our surrounding preventing it being flooded in land fills. Ecobricks impact  Bricks that are made using plastic bottles and wrappers recycle plastic present in our surroundings, preventing it from being flooded in landfills, impacting the environment and polluting it. Plastic is the main pollutant of the environment, cau

Easy ways to be sustainable in everyday life for a better future

  Sustainability represents survival without harming the surrounding environment. In our everyday lives, we end up doing things that harm the environment. The concept of sustainability is way too important in today's developing period so that today's development doesn't cost for future ability of survival.There are some easy ways to be sustainable in our daily lives with small practices. Ways to be sustainable in everyday life  Table of content 1. Say no to single use plastic 2. Try making things at home  3. Mindful shopping  4. Grow your own 5. Taking own cutlery 6. Thrifting 7. Save energy 8. Use public transport    1. Say no to single use plastic  Materials that can only be used once and then thrown away, which then collect in landfills and increase the heap of garbage. Switch single-use plastics to reusable ones. Small sachets of daily products like toothpaste, shampoo, and cream etc., are thrown away in large quantities, overfilling landfills. Instead, buy products in

How to compost kitchen waste easily at home

In this blog we will see how to compost kitchen waste at home  Table of content  • what is composting? • why composting is good for environment? • how to compost easily • how to compost at home • where to use compost • do's and don'ts of composting   What is Composting  ? Composting is the method of breaking down biodegradable things into soil, which is rich in nutritional value.  Why composting is necessary  how to compost kitchen waste at home  Composting is very important to conserve the earth. There is an increasing amount of garbage heap in landfill, which is proceeding at a very high rate. When we mix biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage, it leads to the production of methane gas in landfill out of food waste, which contributes to global warming. o Our garbage is our responsibility. Fifty-seven percent of the waste present in landfill is food waste, which can be useful to earth is contributing to destruct it gradually by our sense of irresponsibility